When I first seen that we had to try think of 4 is was a bit daunting as I asked myself how am I meant to think of that? However after the readings the other day It said that ideas can come from anywhere so for the past days I have just been more engaged with things that have been going on around to see if I could get inspiration, such as on a walk and seeing the leaves fall off the trees where my first idea came from. I hope from finding information about other games that I will gain more knowledge of games.
1- Where the idea the came from for the first game design is quite strange, it's not the usual just brainstorming and looking at other games or books but from pictures I had taken over the summer such as on the beach, the waves and remembering being in the water and a seal popping up beside me and I thought imagine if it was something more terrifying like a shark and this is where the game idea came from ! The game is a person in the water surfing and notices a shark behind them, the more the person tries to get away from the shark the waves get harder and stronger and they hit off the surfer more aggressively trying to knock him off balance. The person must try to stay on the surf board for as long as he can without getting eaten by the shark or a wave hitting them of the surf board. This game will be set on the clear water on a sunny beach, although the scene changes to a stormy sky when the waves get stronger and the surfer has stayed on the board for a long period of time. Here is a link from a video on youtube on how the waves would look.
2 - The next idea is a prime example of what the articles on game development is about while I was at training one if the days, kicking the ball over the try (or at least trying too) and I thought if there was a type of target there it would make things a lot easier. The idea of the game is a goal post such as a gaelic or rugby one on a pitch, however the ball is not just a gaelic ball it is a multi sport game using a variety of different sporting equipment that will be going over the bar into a certain spot a red circle indicating the target where the ball must go, For example the first one will be a football in the center which will be easiest way to score a point, the next will be a rugby ball further back and the position of the target will change, then a golf ball and so on. The target will be still for the first few and will move around in different positions as the game goes on, it will also be getting bigger and smaller meaning the person must wait for the right moment to take a shot. A game similar to this one can be found on the link.
3- As Halloween is approaching quickly I thought that a game could be made out of it. I was thorn between clowns as most people are terrified especially since there was people dressing up as them and chasing others around on the street. This article tells about the clown attacks and shows images. The idea I had was a person in a grave yard dark at night, the person does know which graves have something underneath them or not, if they stand on the wrong grave different characters chase the person such as clown and werewolf, the clown is the hardest to get away from though as is the quickest to catch the person, the graveyard is also like a maze if take the wrong entrance get caught. The game could be seen as a memory game as must remember where the right exit is to try get away from the characters. If the clown gets the person they die if they don't run fast enough, if the werewolf bits the person in the leg they lose the leg which makes harder to run. Some of the graves have nothing underneath them so the player could fall through them.
Hi Niamh! Megan here checking in :) I really enjoyed this blog post, it's really interesting to see other people's thought process when it comes to brainstorming! You can tell that you've really thought about each game in detail! I honestly would play any of the four games as they seem really fun! The games ended up coming up with were all similar so it's sick that yours are all so different :) Best of luck with your game!
ReplyDeleteHi Niamh, I enjoyed reading your game concepts I found them to be very interesting and unique. I like your process of generating interesting ideas, and it sounds like it was a big help to you. The one game concept that stood out the most to me was your idea of a shark in the water chasing after your player’s character. I thought this was an interesting approach, and it is something I have never seen before in other games. I look forward to seeing if you will further develop this idea or go with one of your other interesting concepts.