Monday, October 5, 2020

Unity Tutorial 01

     I won't lie when watching the first video it was quite overwhelming listing to the narrator say words such as "unity interface" and "3D navigation" I wasn't the biggest fan of gaming and listening to this didn't help, however from watching the videos I have learnt a lot from how to import objects into the scene , to new terms such as player control. I found how to use the camera difficult in terms of the view points and how to get the exact view from the players prospective. The two views scene and game helped with this as it gave a preview of the position that the car could look like. This is a list of what learnt from the first video

  1. import assets 
  2. Add objects to scene 
  3. game vs scene view
  4. project, hierarchy, inspector 
  5. navigate 
  6. move and rotate 

In the second tutorial (1.2)it was all about coding and how to make a script using #C, some information included to not use spaces  when typing in the name as it will be easier to find and could cause conflict if names are incorrect. It also showed how to change the mass of the objects to allow them to fall once the vehicle hits its. Also showed how to add objects using control D to duplicate. Here is a list what was covered in tutorial 

  1. #C script 
  2. delta time 
  3. multiply 
  4. collider, rigid body
The last tutorial (1.3) It was about variables and how fast the vehicle faster. On one of the specific videos it describes the difference between public and private within the script. 
It also showed how to  change the background so make it more clear by firstly going into edit, preferences and playmode tint. I left and image of the colour change of my background. 
Some of aspects that was taught in this tutorial involved. 
  1. Variables 
  2. Different data types and their purpose ( public&private)
  3. How to add physics to the game using gravity and mass 
  4. Vector 3 

I'm looking forward to being able to develop new skills so I will be ale to make a game of my own.  The app unity was very well displayed which made it easier to find the sources from the video.  The narrator was also very clear while describing what to do.

This Image is a screenshot I tool from my laptop while working on unity as an example of the colour change in the backgound 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Niamh! You text me a few days ago saying you were stuck on one part of Unity so I'm glad to see you didn't give up and finished the tutorials! I didn't even think to take screenshots of my gameplay so might have to copy you on that! I seen you got a new Camera this week and hope you put it to good use! See you soon and good luck this semester!
