When first hearing about this I'm not going to lie it was a bit overwhelming and daunting as I wasn't sure what I had to do or if I'm being honest what even an annotated bibliographies was. However, after watching the video in the lecture it gave me a better understanding of what I'm doing. I went back onto the multimedia website to look over again at links of examples. Out of all the tasks we have to do I find the reading and writing tasks the most difficult and would be worried that I wouldn't pass if marks were just going on this. I typed it up in a google doc which can be found here but I also copied and I also pasted the readings here
The following paragraph will describe factors that are needed within a game to make it one. There are many different aspects that make a game a game however the main ones are rules of games, goals, and competition.
Rules, this is the first tool that makes a game. A game has a set of rules and components, a set of rules may be used as components and visa versa. if there are no rules in the game there will be no winner or competition within it, which also helps the player what to expect. Secondly is competition if there is another person in the game or opponent for the player to play against the player will want to win and if don't win keep playing until one does win. Third and lastly is Goal. Each game should have a goal there are two different types, the victory condition, and the strategy method. Every game has a winner and a loser and the goal of any game is to be the winner. The game must be measurable to allow the player to achieve these goals. This highlights three factors that make a game.
Wolfgang Kramer, (2000)
This article will discuss the following topics, the definition of what a game is and breaking it down into simpler terms, and what a game is not.
The definition of a game is "a game with rules to determine a winner" breaking it down, rules in a game are set for boundaries in the game, there may not always be a winner if there is only one player and there is no winner for the game to end or perhaps a game that does not that a specific beginning or end. A different definition that is given is a "pastime" which fits better into the idea of what a game is. Is there a specific amount of people to make a game a game?, Games could be played alone, with a team one on one a big group. A game is not real the outcome doesn't have an impact on your daily life, a game is not passive some games need communication between players in order to win, a game is not unemotional, some games cause players to have an emotional effect while playing it or after depending on the result.
This reading will talk through the concepts of a game and decision making within games, the elements that make good decision making in games.
Anything interactive digital and used for entertainment is under the umbrella name of a "game" however the dictionary uses the word "pastime" to describe a game however anything could be a pastime knitting is a pastime is that a game? A game could be something that doesn't involve pieces or a board as there is no other word to have rock paper scissors and a board in different categories, they are all called a game" as they consist of decision making and competition. Games will have decision making to make it more interesting what if the player makes the wrong decision what happens then?. In a good game, the decisions will be interesting, difficult, and ambiguous but most importantly the game must be meaningful in which the decision made has meaning behind it.
Keith Burgan (2021),game%22%20if%20it%20amuses%20you!
In this reading, it will outline what a game is and the reasons why people play them and the different aspects that different games bring. Firstly is what is a game? the expression game is used to describe various activities that can video games, board games, single players games to multiplayer games, all these are under the phrase game as they include the player or players to analyze the situation and try to win. Games usually involve mental and physical components o play the game. Many games help skills and knowledge such as board games such as trivia, card games involve a lot of thinking as to video games, while a football game or a game that is played outside involves physical exercise as one player may be chasing to catch another,educational%2C%20simulational%20or%20psychological%20role.
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