Monday, September 28, 2020

Growth Mindset


From someone that I have never heard of before{ Carol Dewek} I fell that I have been taught a lot in 10 minute video The first thing that I have learnt from it is if I don't pass an exam I did not fail but just have not passed yet that if I keep on trying  I will pass. Th second thing I have learnt from the video is  that to pass I must  firstly see where the problem, and ask myself questions like why is it wrong? and how I can fix it?. This leads to  finding another way of fixing it if the first attempt did not work and learn from mistakes,  before the video I would of stressed and thought there was no other solution to the problem while now I see if there is another way to achieve it. I do see myself on spectrum of growth-fixed mindset as with any problem I try to find an answer and if that way does not work I try to find another way, not only with college but in work if something does not work or in a sport I try to be better and improve. It also showed in the video that students who has not been shown the growth mindset have a decline in their grades and work  to students that have been taught and shown. 


My goals for this semester is to get good marks in the work that I produce. To have assignments submitted in on time when they are due. I also hope to bring what I have learnt from last year to this semester in this module and others. 

This image is what comes up when type #growthmindset into twtiter.

Image Information: I choose this image as it shows the how different think which is what the growth mindset is all about 

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